Invest in Fingal
Fingal is the best connected, fastest-growing county in Ireland with a population of c. 300,000. It is highly accessible with links by air, sea, rail and the national road networks. Fingal is the home of Dublin Airport and boasts fast & easy access to Dublin Port, the M50 and the M1 road networks, a strong rail network and top-class power and telecommunications infrastructure. Proximity to Dublin city centre and our location on the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor will ensure our continued future growth. Dublin Airport is nationally significant due to its employment base, passenger throughput and airfreight services, and it remains the primary economic hub in Fingal. Its continued development is a priority under the Government’s 2040 National Project Plan.
Fingal is home to a number of key economic clusters, including the agri-food sector with many key national horticulture brands located in Fingal. Fingal is, by far, the most important county for food production. Our 600 farmers produce 14.5% of national potato output, 47% of field vegetable output and 37% of protected fruits, vegetables and nursery plants.
The Dublin Enterprise Zone (DEZ) located in the Dublin 15 area of Fingal supports 34,600 jobs in the economy and adds €14.4 billion to national economic output. The DEZ, which includes Damastown, Ballycoolin and Cherryhound, has developed at a national scale over the last 20 years, supported by significant public and private investment. The area currently contains 20 Business Parks with approximately 1,100 business premises. Over 19,500 jobs are supported in a mix of FDI and indigenous companies.
Fingal County Council continues to build upon the success of the DEZ, seeking to attract investment across all locations in the county including Stephenstown and the wider Balbriggan area directly along the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor.
Fingal is home to Ireland’s first Smart Town, Smart Balbriggan which is bringing innovation and technology together to transform and enhance the town’s quality of life. Find out more at Smart Balbriggan - Smart Dublin
Fingal has the youngest and most diverse population in Ireland. With over 30% of Fingal’s population having a university education there is a strong talent pool for your business to draw from. Fingal County Council recognises the importance of education and upskilling of your workforce and has worked closely with business on the Fingal Skills Strategy which addresses the future skills needs of the county. Find out more about the Fingal Skills Strategy on the Research page.